Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Your pile of 'to be filed' papers is almost as tall as your toddler, and growing by the week. Again and again, you say "tonight's the night I'll get caught up," and then... nada. You even block time in your calendar for filing after the kids go to sleep (good girl!), but you blow it off to join a Twitter party instead. You consider torching your entire home office, but then you'd have to find time for an even bigger clean-up.Don't beat yourself up, mom. It's quite possible that you've set aside the wrong time to do this job. We all have different energy cycles throughout the day: Some of us are "early birds" and some "night owls," and our physical and mental energy can peak at different times. The amount of rest you've had, what time of year it is, and many other factors can affect your ability to get things done at any given time, so paying attention to energy cycles is a big-time productivity booster.If you find yourself avoiding the dishes after dinner, try tackling them after breakfast instead. If while you fold the laundry your mind is racing with creative ideas, ditch the basket and use that time to work on your writing. Too fidgety to pay the bills? Indulge your energy burst by taking the baby for a walk around the block; you'll get your blood pumping and come back sharp and focused for a bill-paying fiesta!What's your "right place, right time"? When & where are you most productive? Share it in the comments.


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